ECBS - European Committee for Banking Standards

The ECBS is the European Committee under the auspices of the European Payments Council which builds up and distributes banking-related standards and information.

The abbreviation ECBS is the European Committee banking standards or European standardization body for banking standards. The ECBS is the driving force behind the development of the IBAN as internationally standardized number to the identification in international payments.

Members and observers

The ECBS was founded in 1993 and European associations of savings banks, cooperative banks and private banks belong to as members of it. The observers of the ECBS include the European Central Bank, the SWIFT, Euro pay International and visa international.


The objectives of the ECBS IBAN-related are uniform and consistent information processing cross-border payments (straight-through-processing), simplifying the handling and the acceleration of cross-border payments. The ECBS can force but not required to use or no market-driven implementation of the IBAN. The national accreditation and implementation is left to the respective committees of the banking industry.


In connection with the IBAN, the ECBS's mission is to develop uniform standards and standards for cross-border intercompany payments in the European internal market.


The ECBS has to instruct the competence and authority, uniform standards and banking standards and develop. The IBAN is ECBS - and ISO standard. Cross-industry, the ISO is the world's most famous standardization body. Also in the banking sector and especially in the payments it has defined some important standards, so including the integrated method (ISO 7064). The IBAN itself runs under ISO standard 13616. The ECBS is a European standardization body employed by the three European Central associations of the banking industry.

After we have given you a brief insight into the tasks, skills, as well as the composition of the ECBS, we want to provide you with the most important information about IBAN on the following pages.